Monday, 14 January 2008

STI approaching 3200

It is another day of severe drop of stock. It is expected but investor would feel the emotional pain of it. Especially people like me who hold stocks. Cheap could go cheaper. At this moment, keep your emotion in check. Decide your course of action and game plan. Don't buy on impulse or sell on panic. Either way won't help you at all.

I remember the days where stock was very cheap. During the period of a few corporate scandal incidents, Hongguo was selling at 0.23, and during the last peak it hits 1.40. When fear takes place, investor forgot about valuation and only remember emotion. If the stock is really cheap, and it is not going to collapse in next 3 years, there is really little to lose.

If you want to buy, buy solid company selling on cheap valuation. You could be the next Buffett.