Sunday, 19 September 2010

Excited about ADR trading on SGX

The past few months haven't been easy on me, I was very busy with work. It will be even so in the coming months. However, this didn't stop me from reading and thinking about investment. I guess I was too obssesed in finding good company. Nevertheless, the stock hunt is coming to the end as I have a list of stock that I am interested and following.

The big news last week is about ADR trading on SGX. It is coming in Oct. The details are not known yet. Just the news itself already make me excited. Now, it is possible to buy the China growth without incurring the broker custody fee. The unknown to this assumption is how SGX will charge on holding the ADR. On short term, currency is also a risk.

Cost aside, the primary reason I am excited is because now you have a chance to buy the premier growth company. I scanned through the list, not that interested in the more prominent one like Baidu or Petro China. This interesting stock - caught my attention. The company is the leader in China online hotel and travel booking. However, the stock is not cheap, it is selling at USD 43.21 on PE 52.

52 looks like a crazy number to me. But, business look interesting to warrant a follow up. The most important part of ADR trading is the convenience. Valuation is a separate consideration.