Sunday, 24 February 2008

Stock beginner guide – Final word

Part 7

This guide is just a basic pointer to what you need to do to start stock investing. I would dedicate it to my friends who are keen to learn about stock investing.

Stock investment is a big subject. Around the world, so many people are crazy about it, because of the potential return. Yet, we often heard people losing money in stock market. The problem lies with the fact that many are rushed into the market thinking they can make quick money. Without spending time to understand the basic concept and risk of stock.

I believe in order to excel in one subject, one has to spend a great effort to learn it. A successful stock investing journey needs

  • wait for the long term compounding effect to kick in
  • stick to one's game plan
Independent thinking
  • know when to buy and sell, not following the herd blindly

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Michael said...

It is also important that as a beginner in the stock market you get greedy, which is what a few people do. Some beginners use stock market to get rich nippy. They buy a large amount of stock in an attempt to make big money quickly. When you first get into the stock market you should enter with slow steps and buy few stocks at a time to make sure that you have invested wisely.

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